The Breeders

Taron Scott lives in Stockton, California in the United States of America. Just a two hours drive from San Fransico. We are very glad to have the possibility to work with this amazing breed. And try to better the breed standards.

We are working on two continents. America and Europe, so it is easy to do business abroad international with big international market clients. Mr. Scott got 15 years experience in breeding, training and conditioning. Operating under the kennel name Fear None’s / 13 Royal Bloodline.

Mr. Rahul Dihal breeds for 40 years. Started with Pitbulls in the 80’s. American Staffords Terriers in the early 90’s. These breedings were only to secure the future of special linages, so they didn’t become extinct. Some of the Staffords we have bred and produced laid the foundation for the American Bully Breed. Operating under the kennel name 13 Royal Bloodlines also known as 13RBL.

Raoul Dihal, don’t know any better than that dogs, breedings and litters have always been in his life. He has dogs since his first memory. And helped whelping and to run litters since the age of five. This gives him 25 years of experience. It’s the only consistent theme running true his life.

We hope that the knowledge that has been accumulated for multiple generations. Will be beneficial in creating a nice American Bully for you. Dogs are essential for our life style. It is given as an excuse to wander the parks and forests. Just a good excuse to have a late night stroll, or walk on the beach.
Dogs are also beneficial for young couples. When they live together this is an extremely good idea, before having kids. To learn to take care of a living animal, even if a couple is going to a ruff patch. This will keep communication open and helps to keep relationships and marriage together.
The Family Dihal live in the Netherlands, Europe., and comes from Suriname, South-America. We come from a lineage of farmers who spend most of their years in the fields working in in agriculture and breeding cows and bulls ,dogs and birds. For a span of more than over a hundred years.
We are mainly located in Rotterdam, the Netherlands (Europe). But we have some of our dogs spread across the country. Giving some friends and family members a companion. What really benefits them both.
If you want a American Bully of the highest quality please fill free to contact us at